Become a Righteous Life Owner


සිංහල මුල් පිටපතේ අනුවාදනය මෙතනින් ඔබත් නිවැරදි ජීවන මගක හිමිකරුවකු වන්න

The goal of inheriting human life is the hope of all. All are persuaded to make much effort to earn money for this purpose. However, nobody cares about the emergence of wealth, however, as the primary purpose of gaining wealth is only the earliest. It is because of this situation that Shared Thistle is to be subjected to Buddhism according to Buddhism.

First, one should think about the way of life. It should be an innocent livelihood for themselves or for others. It is in this way that the power of the consequence can be brushed aside without resorting to the tactics of being able to craft a supernal life which does not attract mysterious forces militarily.

As we perceive at present, arduous knowledge is not the way to get employed in the public service, but the livelihoods of which are based on knowledge of the art is superior. It is better to add technical knowledge to classical knowledge. Such people are those who have the noblest of life. This phenomenon, which has given scientists a sense of knowledge in the modern world, is the result of the positive use of science.

Just as mentioned above, the sinful lives surrendered to the power of action as they engage in the noodls of life on the sultan’s knowledge and masterly ignorance. Although the opportunity to earn wealth is infinitely limited, the mind of the person who makes the way of life is greatly weakened. Frustrated emotional distress can lead to rest and comfort. Void activities are involved. The quicker steps are taken to change this situation. Much of this is due to the likes of this. Those who are unbroken and weak, turn to the impoverished, pretending to be persecuted because of the temptation to obtain enormous wealth. Sometimes the ten must be in atoll. This frightening state is due to the lack of proper use of academic knowledge and vocational knowledge. To get out of this situation, one has to make up a noble and sensuous thought, which is not subjected to unpredictable sinful asteroids because of the power of force. It must be guided by this knowledge. Elderly discernors help the Kalyan friends to develop a noble life. It is important to listen to Dharma as well.

Be determined to work at the heart of your heart first. It may be that listening to a Bodhi Pooja, listening to a sermon at a Seth Pirithry Shrine or associating with others who are engaged in others. Think about it for which it happened. If not, ask. Thus, the great nightmares of the noble deed will be given to them. Imagine if you can do the same thing. If you can not master yourself, be part of the sacred deeds of others. The power of astral power The heavily affected planet is ending up as a sun in the sunshine that was seen by the sun, according to these experiences. There is no more powerful medicine to calm down the weakened mind and lose the lost rest.

Secondly, if you find it difficult to treat such a person with sacred thoughts in a sacrificial place, meditate. Meditate on how the Buddha received the great benefit of the Lord Buddha. Meditate on the Sacred Buddha. It is easy to understand all this just by keeping your mind in the right direction. The only thing to do is to get acquainted with little or only one’s own minds. For that purpose

1. Think of the fruit of your activity.

2. Is it good to cultivate the fruitage of our activity? Is it bad? Think of it

3. Think of the knowledge, profit, or loss you are gaining by spreading good or bad fruit

4. Think of the effect of this fruitless reasoning that causes this fruit to moderate in order to comfort itself

5. Imagine how others are comfortable, grieving, and moderate

6. Think of the possible side-effects of profit or loss

7. Think of your potentials to explain the steps you have taken

The person who turned to such a noble mind would inevitably be an owner of a right way of life. It will be the owner of a noble life who will safeguard the Panchatiya’s blessings from the three sides. In spite of the repercussions of uncanny power, the unseen, sinful, and the proud and glorious life will not be oppressed due to sinful powers.

Abuse is life

Supplies are extremely sad

Saturru Rahu grief for Sasara

Avoid enemy combat forces

When the bride stares at the brahma tree

Teacher moon moonlighting

Among the spectators who spread the sun

The four credits shown appear

The Samatha preaching the Mormon

Datha Sutatha Script Test Drive

Listened with hearts listening ears

Do not touch the lights

Get in the morning and be happy

Listen every morning to the purple

On the day of the Pooja, you will hear about the Buddha statue

On the top, win the name of the Bodhi

obat niværadi jīvana magaka himikaruvaku vanna

piripun sanātha vū jīvitayak uruma kara gænīma minis jīvita uruma karagat siyaludenāgēma apēkṣāvayi. ē san̆dahā bohō sē dhanaya upayā gænīmaṭa siyalu denā nopasubaṭa utsāhayaka nirata veti. dhanaya upayana mārgaya kesē vuvada dhanaya ipayīma pamaṇak mūlika aramuṇa vīma nisā ætivana tattvaya gæna kisivaku hō avadhānaya yomu karannē næta. jyedtiṣ śrāstrānukūlava pāpa grahayanṭat bududahama anuva karma vipākayanṭa yaṭatvīmaṭa siduvannē mē tattvaya nisāya.

paḷamuva dhanōpāya mārgaya gæna kalpanā kaḷa yutuya. eya tamanṭa hō anyayanṭa anarthakārī novana jīvanōpāya mārgayak viya yutuya. karma vipākayē balaya upakramaśīlīva magaharimin adbhūta balavēgayanṭa mulā novana udāra jīvitayak geḍanagā gænīmaṭa hækiyāva læbennē ē anuvaya.

apa vartamānayē piḷigannā paridi śāstra dænuma labāgena rājya sēvayē nirata vīma pamaṇak ādāyam læbīmē mārga novana atara vaḍāt śrēṣṭha vannē śilpa dænuma anuva salasā gannā jīvanōpāyanya. śāstrīya dænumaṭa śilpīya dænuma ekatu kara gænīma vaḍāt śrēṣṭha veyi. eban̆du aya jīvitayē utum phala labannō veti. nūtana lōkayē śāstra dænuma læbūvan śilpīya dænuma ekatu kara gænīmen prakaṭa kara æti mē tattvaya vidyā diyuṇuvē phalaya subadāyī lesa yodā gænīmē pratiphala lesa sælakiya hækiya.

ihata san̆dahan kaḷā sē karma balayaṭa yaṭatvū pāpakārī jīvita udāvannē śilpa dænuma, śāstra gnanaya asubavādī lesa yodāganimin misadiṭu jīvana mārgayanhi niratavīma nisāya. asīmita lesa dhanaya upayā gænīmē avasthāva udā vuvada misadiṭu jīvana mārgavala niratavana tænættāgē sita bohō seyin durvala veyi. durvala vū citta vēga nisā vivēkaya, sænasīma ahimi veyi. nosansun kriyākārakamvala yedeyi. mē tattvaya venas kirīma san̆dahā ikman piyavara gænīma nisā tava tavat nesansun veyi. surāpānayaṭa bohō seyin yomuvannē mē tattvayaṭa patvūvanya. in nonavatina durvala vū sit ættō asīmita dhanaya ipayīmē apēkṣāven ansatu dhanaya labā gænīmaṭa peḷam̆bīma nisā parapaṇa næsīma, boru kīma ādī duścaritayanṭada yomuveti. ætæm viṭa dasa akusalayehi niratavīmaṭa siduveyi. mē biyakaru tattvaya udāvannē śāstrīya dænumat, śīlpīya dænumat yahapat lesa yodā nogænīmē durvalatāva nisāya. mē tattvayen midennaṭa nam karma balaya nisā mulā novū pāpa grahayanṭa yaṭat novū udāra vūt, gnanānvita vūt situvili ætikara gata yutuya. ē san̆dahā tamā satu dænuma meheyaviya yutuya. pūjanīya utumangen væḍihiṭi nuvaṇætiyangen kalyāna mitrayangen labana dænuma udāra jīvitayak goḍanagā gænīmaṭa ivahal veyi. dharma śravaṇaya kirīmen dharmāvabōdhaya labāgænīmada vædagat veyi.

paḷamuva tama hadavata pināyana kāryayaka nirata vīmaṭa adhiṣṭhāna kara ganna. eya bōdhi pūjāvakaṭa savandīma, set pirit sachCdhāyanayakaṭa dharma dēśanayakaṭa savandīma hō an aya nirata vana pin kriyāvak desa balā siṭīma viya hækiya. ē sat kriyāvehi niratavūtænættā eya sidukaḷē kavara aramuṇakin dæyi menehi karanna. noesē nam vimasanna. tamāṭa nodænīma udāra vū puṇya kriyāvaka niratavīmē mahā kusalabalaya ē anuva læbenu æta. ē kusala kriyāvanhi nirata vīmaṭa tamanṭada hækiyāva tibēdæyi sitā balanna. tamāṭa mūlikava kaḷa nohæki nam an aya sidukarana pūjanīya kaṭayutuvalaṭa sahabhāgi vanna. muḷāvū karma balaya pīḍāvaṭa patvū graha apalaya etæninma avasan vannē hiru duṭu pini bin̆duvak lesa bava mē kriyāvan anuva atdækīmenma avabōdha karaganna. durvalavū sita śaktimat vannaṭa ahimivū vivēkaya himikara gannaṭa nosansun vū kriyākārakam sansun vannaṭa mīṭa vaḍā prabala auṣadhayak næta.

devanuva sansun situvili ætiva tamāṭa pūjā bhūmiyakadī mevæni pinkamvala yedīma apahasu nam buduguṇa menehi karanna. budurajāṇan vahansē avabōdhayē utum phala lābhaya vana budubava læbū ākāraya menehi karanna. avabōdha karagat śrī saddharmaya gæna menehi karanna. sansunva tama sita niværædiva meheyavīmen pamaṇak mē siyalla avabōdha kara gænīma itā pahasu kāryayaki. kaḷa yutu ekama kāryaya alpa mātra vaśayen hō buduguṇayan tama jīvitayaṭada huru kara gænīma pamaṇi. ē san̆dahā

1. tama nirata vana kriyāvehi phalaya gæna sitanna.

2. taman nirata vana kriyāva vardhanaya kirīmen læbiya hæki phalaya yahapat vēda? ayahapat vēda? yanuven sitanna

3. yahapat hō ayahapat phala vyāpta vīmen tamā labana dænuma, lābhaya hō alābhaya gæna sitanna

4. esē læbena phalaya tamangē sæpa piṇisa, duka piṇisa, mædahat bava piṇisa hētuvana ākāraya gæna sitanna

5. anungē sæpa, duka saha mædahat bava piṇisa hētuvana ākāraya gæna sitanna

6. esē læbena lābhaya hō alābhaya hamuvē gata hæki vana avasthānukūla piyavara gæna sitanna

7. ganu labana avasthānukūla piyavara pisḷiban̆dava pæhædili kirīmaṭa tamanṭa æti hækiyāva gæna sitanna

mevan udāra sitivili valaṭa yomuvū tænættā nirāyāsayenma niværædi jīvana mārgayaka himikaruvaku vanu æta. trividharatnayē āśirvādaya himivana paṁcasīlaya ārakṣā karana udāra jīvitayaka himikaruvek vanu æta. karma vipākayaṭa yaṭat novū adbhūta balavēgayan hamuvē asaraṇa novū, pāpa daśā, pāpa graha bala nisā pīḍā novū udāra guṇa piri samṛddhimat jīvitayaka himikaruvek vanu æta.

apalaya sasara duka danavana eka magakī

sapalaya labā dena sæpa balavat dukakī

senasuru rāhu duk sasaraṭa ini man̆gakī

an̆gaharu saturu bala vaḍavana at væḷakī

budha manamāla gaha bala vaḍavana atara

guru san̆du savmyǣyihæma gahabala atara

hiru bala paturuvā hæma gahakaru atara

penvana vikum bala sata vē doa satara

munin̆dun desū saṁsāraya nivana maga

datā sutā vacasā paricitā maga

dæmuṇu sitin yomu karamin savan yuga

doa satædurak yomu karavayi pahan maga

udē havā sadaham set læba ganna

hæma udayakama dam desumaṭa kan denna

pun pō dinaye budu pudayen sæna senna

dohot mudun dī bōdhiya nama dinna

This is a Google word to word translation of a article publised on Divaina on 2011/12/02.