Sarasvathi Devi is the Governor of all sorts


සිංහල මුල් පිටපතේ අනුවාදනය මෙතනින් සකල කලාවන්ට අධිපතිනිය සරස්‌වතී දේවිය

Saraswathy Devi, known as the ‘Milk of Education’, also known as the Governor of All Arts, is a noble legend to develop the love of learning of the educators.

There is a variety of views about the birth of Saraswathy Devi who was worshiped among the goddess and worship among the people of the humanity. The Buddha’s inspiration has come to the rescue of all the animals, and the saints in the streets of Saraswathy, Gradually the Saraswathi River is Goddess She has also been in charge of gothic songs.

Vishnu gods named Sarnasathi, Ganga and Lakshmi according to the Ancient Lorets, and the three of them have been subjected to quarrels and they have been handed over to the Lakshmi for control of them and handed over to Yashwara and Sarawatha. Grand Brahma’s vehicle was a swag, so she also got a cab and a paddle.

To illustrate its orientation, Sariswathy is to show her a book and a beautiful necklace to illustrate the beauty of her hair. On the other hand, the crystalline crystalline pomegranate is seen in the little red colored pomegranate, and she sees the parrots being thrown by the campus, It smiles and smiles. In this event, the sweet smile of the coming gray-haired shrine will be a source of inspiration for the development of its own prosperity.

Who is the Thaalastang Spatial?

Seeker ghosts

Manhours Carrier Yanekero Nuts:

I’m looking forward to the layout of the epitaph

Saraswathi who is also known as Brahmi, Bharathi, Vagdevi, Haresewari, Vandhavari, Harevi, Hansa Vahini, Sarada, Honorary Shakthi Saraswathi devotees to grow up the wisdom to remember lessons, improve education and lead to the success of all arts activities He is also a champion of the world.

With this kind of great power, the Sarasota, which is often used to enhance our educational activities and to enhance the arts, is more durable and more intimate with the mysticism. Saraswathi, Charm, Shark ears and tallas used to obtain Saraswathi privileges to obtain the powers of the great thinkers of Dambadiva at the time. Today, they are spread in our country.

All the arts, the arts, the arts, the arts, the arts and the arts. To read the letters to young children who have the right age, Saraswathy can protect her with the wisdom and strength of her, and put her in the house to worship her.

At the same time, after lighting the Buddha at home, or at a temple in the morning, at a convenient day, at a simple day, light a lamp, or ghee, burnt in the morning at home in a temple, offer sacrifices and sing prawn flowers and offer praise for the success of your activities.

In addition, at the Saraswathy Yara, which randomly spawned the moon, mercury, guru, and planet Venus, the moon, sunflower, cakes, fruits, coconut bunches, asparagus pots, sacrosas Making Saraswathy Glow and asking for good can be excellent results.

Saraswathi sublimation

No, no, no, no

I pray in the world – Sambuddharan world poet

While doing so, the chemistry nibbana gaming

Dipapa prayama – Siddhamam Jin Dasitang

Saddhamma Raja thanjanj – Seththai Ariah Puhigaling

Deepakkana Poojami – Punjah Chattang Amarang

Saraswathy Prayer

The Buddha’s countenance is on the basis of the emptiness of the Buddha’s face, a furrow, a book, a hollowed neck, a gentleman’s body with a gentleman’s body and a pleasing supplication of the sacred, Saraswathi God, praising and worshiping the wisdom, sensibility, And the advancement of art.

He will fix the notice

The tongue fixed on the tongue

Fourteen poetry universities

Mother, I got four clips

Saraswathie peace

Brahma Rajitha, the topmost Residency

Science Faculty of the Department of Fine Arts

Definitions of Dhamma

Sweetheart Teapot

A Kiro book is a legendary civilized scholar

Pure regular Buddhists are elected

Ditta Mangalaka is famous for his fame

Shanthi sanan is the regular standard

Plain ocean sacredata

Räik Brahms is the legendary legend

Specifications of Keerthi Malaka three and a half years

Age Survey Fields Sampath Prionandan

It is interesting to know the topical dental care

All those who are innocent minds

Maithree preacher Shanthi Dhanaka had regular life

Sureswatte Insurance Company Ltd. is the insurance company

On the base of the hand is a herbal pork hives

The heart problems of the heart and blood vessels

The worst possible impairment is the danging danger

Brahma’s ailments dynasty inflammation

A pure thinker and a composer of joyful psychedelic songs

Braves that resemble more familiar facials

The glory of the blood of the living is good

Regularly running trail surfaces

Saraswathi is a female

Saraswathi s Maha Devi String Library

Swan Lake Aerobic Vehong

Saraswathy Namo had a mistake in the car

Eating and drinking Chariswami Saraswathy Estate

Invitation for worship

He is the master of the knowledge of the scholars

Biodiversity Primary biology

Acting Human Ow

Saraswathi Devi and Azeri Purashan

Sri Lankan lyrics

It’s about eight years old

Oral Oral Transplant Brahma Rhang

Saraswathi Devi Pushpa Seats

Vidanalaya Circle

Happy multi-faith retiree

Nawaswara Music District Secretary

Saraswathi Devi Putha Seats

You will also be able to enjoy all these stanzas, poems, pleasures, gentle wisdom, the growth of memory, the development of memory strengths, the success of the hearings, and the blessings of Saraswathi.

sakala kalāvanṭa adhipatiniya sarasvatī dēviya

adhyāpanayē miṇi pahana lesat sakala kalāvanṭa adhipatiniya lesat hæn̆dinvena sarasvatī dēviya adhyāpanaya labannangē igenīmē āśāva vardhanaya kirīmē māhæn̆gi dāyādaya pradānaya karana utum dēviyaki.

deviyan atara agrasāra vū gauravayaṭat minis prajāva atara vandanāmānayaṭat bhaktyādarayaṭata patva æti sarasavi dēviyagē upata piḷiba janapravādayē vividha mata dækvena atara siyalu satunaṭa pihiṭa vīma san̆dahā buduradungē muva piyumen pahaḷa vū bavat āryayanṭa upakāra vū nadiyak lesa sælakena sarasvatī nadiya asabaḍa pævætvū yāga hōma ādiyehidī gāyanā kaḷa stōtravala balamahimayen krama kramayen sarasvatī nadiya dēvatvaya labā æti bævin æya stōtra gītikā ādiyaṭada adhipatiniya vī æti bavat kiyǣvē.

purāṇa dēva kathāvalaṭa anuva viṣṇu devin̆duṭa sarasvatī, gaṁgā, lakṣmī yanuven bhāryāvan tidenek vū bavat mē tidenā atara nitara nitara āravul æti vū bavat ēvā mæḍapavatvā gænīma san̆dahā lakṣmiya taman veta ran̆davāgena gaṁgā īṣvaraṭat sarasvatiya mahā brahmayāṭat bhāradī æta. mahā brahmayāgē vāhanaya haṁsayā vū nisā æyaṭa da haṁsa vāhanayak hā padmāsanayakda læbī æta.

sarasvatiyagē patitvaya vidahā dækvīmaṭa æyagē ek atakaṭa potakda vicitra bava vidahā dækvīmaṭa paḷin̆gu mæṇiken sækasū japa mālayat anek ataṭa da læbī æti bava san̆dahan vana atara ekī mālayehi mada rakta varṇayen bæbalena paḷin̆gu kæṭa deḷum æṭa yǣyi sitā sarasaviya ḷan̆ga siṭina giravā hoṭen adina kala giravāgē rævaṭīma dakina sarasvatiya mada sinaha pahaḷa kara ē desa balā siṭī. ema siduvīmēdī pahaḷavana sarasvatiyagē mada sinahava tama tamangē yasa isuru vardhanayaṭa mahōpakārī vanavā yanna purāṇayē visūvangē matayak lesa dækvena atara pæraṇi sṛṣivaru eya mesē kaviyaṭa nagā æta.

kavakara kamalasthāṁ spāṭikī makṣamālā

naca kiraṇa vihinnāṁ dāḍamī bīja buddhyā

pratikala manu karṣan yenakīro niṣiddhaḥ

sa bhavatu mama bhūeetya vāṇike mandahāsaḥ

brahmī, bhāratī, vāgdēvi, vāgiṣvarī, vīṇādhārī, gīdēvi, haṁsa vāhinī, sāradā ādī gauravārtha nam rāśiyakinda hæn̆dinvena sarasvatī dēviya nuvaṇa væḍīmaṭa sihibuddhiya væḍīmaṭa, pāḍam mataka hiṭīmaṭa, adhyāpanayē diyuṇuvaṭa hā siyalu kalā kaṭayutuvala sārthakatvayaṭa diyuṇuvaṭa maga pādādena atara yam kenaku veta ægē mada bælma læbē nam ohu muḷu lovama vaśī kara yaṭat kara gænīmē hapanaku vana bava da kiyǣvē.

mevæni ati uttama mahā balaparākramayakin apagē adhyāpana kaṭayutu san̆dahāt kalā kaṭayutu opnaṁvā gænīma san̆dahāt niraturuva pihiṭa vannā vū sarasvatiya jyedtiṣyayat, gupta vidyāvat atara bohō saban̆dakam ættiyaki. ekala dam̆badiva visū sṛṣivarun mahā mantravēdīn śāstrādhipatya labāgænīma san̆dahā sarasvatī varam labā gænīmaṭa sarasvatī dæhæn, mantra, ślōka kananalav bhāvita kara æti atara ada vanaviṭa ēvā apa raṭē da vyāptava pavatī.

siyalu adhyāpana kaṭayutu kalā kaṭayutu jyedtiṣya vidyāva hā gupta vidyā gnanaya nisi lesa praguṇa karannaṭat. nisi vayasa sæpirū kuḍā daruvanṭa akuru kiyavīmaṭat sarasvatī dēviyagē pihiṭa ārakṣāven dhāraṇa śaktiya nuvaṇa læbīmaṭa nivasēdī puda pūjā tabā æyagē pihiṭa pætisya hækiya.

ē san̆dahā nivasēdī budun væn̆dīmen pasuva hō pansalakadī satiyē dina haten obaṭa pahasu dinakadī udaya varuvē nivasēdī sin̆dagat tæm̆bili telvalin hō eḷan̆gitelvalin pahanak dalvā suvan̆dadum hā saman picca mal pūjā kara vandanā māna kara piṁ anumōdan kara obē kaṭayutuvala sārthakatvaya illā siṭinna.

mīṭa amatarava rivi kiraṇa san̆da kiraṇa nisā minisāṭa gahakoḷavalaṭa yam yam balapǣm læbennā sē san̆du, budha, guru, sikuru yana grahayan balaya vihiduvana suba hōrāval tuḷa aham̆bu lesa yedena sarasvatī yōgayakadī etumiya venuven tala, ukhakuru, kævili, palaturu, polmada vaḷalu, hātāvāriya ala, pūjā kara sarasvatī ślōkaya gāyanā kara yahapata illā siṭīmen viśiṣṭa pratiphala læbiya hækiya.

sarasvatī ślōkaya

mohāndhakāra sammōna – loke mōha vidaṁ sataṁ

dīpā lōkeka pūchēmi – sambuddhaṁ lōka pūjitaṁ

saṁsāra sidu karaṇaṁ – khemaṁ nibbāna gāminiṁ

dīpā lōkēna pūchēmi – saddhammaṁ jina dēsitaṁ

saddhamma rāja tanujaṁ – seṭṭhaṁ ariya puhigalaṁ

dīpālōkēna pūchēmi – puñeÆcattaṁ antaraṁ

sarasvatī kannalavva

buduradungē muva piyumen pahaḷava padmāsanayak mata væḍasiṭimin atvala vīṇāvak, potak, japa mālayak daramin kēṣakalāpaya an̆ḍa san̆dak sē sarasā gauri pæhæti dēhayakin babalamin haṁsavāhanārūḍhava gamanyana utum vū sarasvatī deviyanis, piṁ pet anumōdan kara dohot nagā væn̆da namaskārayen illā siṭinnā vū nuvaṇa, sihi buddhiya, dhāraṇa śaktiyak adhyāpanayē hā kalāvē diyuṇuva mā veta udākara dena sēkvā·

dænum savi sihi savi

basa savi sit kalā savi

satara kavi sarasavi

mavuni maṭa duna mænavi siv savi

sarasvatī śāntiya

brahma rājita mukhya padmaja vāsa nirbhaya dānatuṁ

vidyādhārita sattva mānuṣa dēva nāgādhipatiṁ

dharma arthaya kāma mokṣaya sādhanā kṛta niścitaṁ

brahma rājinī pāda paṁkaja vanda tē priya saugataṁ

kīra potaka hastadhāraṇa śiṣṭa sammata vācakaṁ

nitya vādana śuddhi buddhika gīstikā chandaskṛtaṁ

diṭṭa maṁgalikā nibandhatu kīrtirāvaya dhāraṇaṁ

śānti saukhyaṁ nitya sammata dānate sārasvatiṁ

pragna sāgara sachjanātana pūjanī bahu bhāṇḍakam

rāgna brahmika pāda sevita śāstra āgama dhāraṇaṁ

kīrti mālaka dambha sachjita trī navattara niścitaṁ

āyu śrī sārābhiraṇya kṣētra sampatti pradānaṁ

vakbhā kaṇaṭhaja śīrṣa tāluja danta nētrā niṣṭhitaṁ

sarva dōṣāndhakāraṁ vihatamalaṁ manasāvayaṁ

maitrī pūrvaka śānti dānaka nitya jīvita āturaṁ

rakṣate jayamaṁgalam kṛtvate sārasvatiṁ

hasta pādaka jātra śirṣika ūru piṭṭhika kēṣajaṁ

hṛdaya garbhika pitta dāhaka rudhira śleṣmā rōgikaṁ

duṣṭa durguṇa durvipākada antarābhaya nāsakaṁ

brahma rājini śānti dānaya kṛtvate rōgāturaṁ

śuddha cintaka vidyādhārika prīti gītika vādanaṁ

brahma muttama vaktra padmaja vāsamittana nirbhayaṁ

śuddha jīvana rudhira chāvana tēja vikrama saugataṁ

nitya raṁjita dhāvana ātura rakṣate sā

sarasvatīs stroatraya

sarasvatīs mahā dēvi vīṇā pustaka dhāriṇī

haṁsa vāhiṇī samāyukte vidyādānaṁ kurume

sarasvatī namō mayhaṁ varadēva kāma rūpiṇī

vidyāramhaṁ karissāmi sarasvatī namastutē

namaskāra ārādhanāva

śāstrāgama dhārī guṇa gnana samprayuktaṁ

lōkacārī priyaṁganā vidyābhara dhāraṁ

vidyacāri manuṣya mukha sēvita nityaṁ

sarasvatī dēvi sura āsanapraviśṭhaṁ

śrī dhīdhara gīta kāma madhura svara vācaṁ

śrī hastaka kīra pōtakā daṣyati nityaṁ

śrī mukha vāsānu baddha mahā brahma rājaṁ

sarasvatī dēvi puṣpa āsana praviśṭhaṁ

vidyādhara sakalābahu jananāyaka vīraṁ

anyādhāraka viśræti bahu jana mana prītiṁ

nityasvara gīta śāstra chandasanadhipatiṁ

sarasvatī dēvipuṣpa āsana praviśṭhaṁ

mema siyalu gāthā, kavi, kannalav, ślōka nisi lesa bhāvitayen sihibuddhiya væḍīmaṭa, pāḍam hiṭīmaṭa mataka śaktiya vardhanayaṭa, vibhāga jaya gænīmaṭa væni suba kāraṇāvalaṭa sarasvatī dēviya udesā puda pūjā tabā gāyanā kirīmen obaṭada æyagē āśirvādaya noaḍuva læbīmaṭa hækivanu æta.

This is a Google word to word translation of a article publised on Divaina on 2012/08/10.